Why You Should Let Your Rabbit Burrow in the Dirt: 5 Health Benefits

Last Updated on May 31, 2023 by

A tired rabbit is a happy rabbit, and I certainly had very happy bunnies as they would burrow away for hours.

Rabbits are one of the weirdest animals you’ll ever get to know, and many people don’t know much about them. One fascinating rabbit behavior is burrowing underground to stay safe or escape predators and other dangers that may come their way.

In this article, we will talk about what are rabbit burrows and why rabbits need them. We’ll also explore 5 health benefits for rabbits who dig burrows!

What is a rabbit burrow

What exactly is rabbit burrowing? Rabbits have a natural instinct to create underground tunnels in which they can escape predators or other dangers.

A rabbit burrow is a rabbit’s home. A rabbit will create its own burrow with the dirt from its environment, or it will take over an abandoned burrow.

They are usually underground and can be made out of leaves, grasses, and twigs as well as dirt.

Underground rabbit burrow

Why do rabbits burrow?

Because rabbits are prey animals, they evolved to hide by appearing harmless—burrowing in the dirt allows your bun to do just that.” 

Digging gives them exercise and has been shown to reduce anxiety levels as well as improve dental health. Digging also helps with blood circulation.

The act of digging also means their little bellies are doing important work, rather than just sitting around being lazy all day.”

A rabbit will burrow to find a place where it can be safe. They also use burrows for nesting, eating, and hiding from predators or other dangers.

While it may seem like the rabbit is just digging in the dirt, there are many reasons why they need this space underground.

If you see a rabbit on the ground or near your yard, it is most likely because it’s looking for a place to feel safer or more comfortable.

A rabbit will also dig to create the perfect nest, or perhaps just to hide from predators.

It should be noted that rabbits only use their bunny burrow during daylight hours and are not there at nighttime.

In addition to providing safety and security, burrows can provide other benefits too!

There are many reasons why you should let your rabbit make its own rabbit burrow in your yard or garden.

Why you should let your rabbit burrow in the yard or garden

Burrowing can be done anywhere – indoors or outdoors, in a rabbit cage, or out on the ground.

Rabbits who have enough room to dig (underground rabbit burrow) will use their brains more than rabbits with less space because they like solving problems so keep that in mind if you’re worried about boredom.

Rabbits are very clean animals so they will often use their burrows as a place for a litter box. This is actually really helpful because you won’t have rabbit poop all over your yard!

5 health benefits to rabbit burrowing

There are many benefits to your bunny’s health if you allow them space to burrow. Some of them include:

1. Burrowing helps your rabbit’s bones and joints because they need to stretch their muscles.

2. Rabbits like dark spaces so it helps them feel safe if you have a small bunny burrow created in your yard or backyard that stays hidden from the sun.

3. A healthy gut microbiome. Having an underground living space means they have easier access to dirt which aids with digestion by giving them all the right bacteria needed for a strong immune system.

4. Keeps them calm and reduces stress levels.

5. Protects from predators and makes it easier for them to hide from larger animals.

Some tips to encourage your rabbit to burrow

Make sure you give them an area of at least two square feet with no obstacles like furniture or plants so they can move around freely.

It is important that this designated rabbit nest includes something soft like hay (or even just carpet!) so it feels comfortable and safe while resting on top of the ground instead of sideways on the hard earth. This makes it easy for rabbits to burrow in the dirt with their natural instincts.

Sheltering the entrance under shrubs or trees provides privacy but beware of roots as this may cause too much disturbance while trying to tunnel into the dirt below. Make sure to bury the rabbit’s tunnel to protect it from predators and keep them safe.

They also house up food in piles near the entrance of their burrow. But this makes it easier for other rabbits or hungry predators to steal what little they’ve found after hours digging around.

This can be prevented by placing hay at least 18 inches away from the opening, then dig out some dirt beneath that spot so there isn’t an obvious pile of dinner waiting just outside of where he eats.

Final thoughts

Creating a rabbit burrow is not only important for their physical well-being but also mental. Rabbits are creatures of routine, and they get frustrated when you change the schedule upon them!

When rabbits have an area that feels secure to retreat too it calms them down and helps with anxiety in stressful situations such as vet visits or trips to the groomer.

This makes your rabbit happier which will make your life easier while caring for him because he won’t try running away from you so much anymore!

Rabbits who feel safe and at peace in their environment: sleep better, eat more easily (which means less rabbit poop!), stay healthier longer, live longer overall.