5 Surprising Signs of an Angry Bunny (and How to Deal with it)

Last Updated on June 12, 2023 by Leonard Harper

As any bunny parent knows, rabbits can be incredibly cuddly and affectionate creatures. But did you know they can also turn into an angry bunny and be extremely moody little creatures?

In this blog post, we’ll outline five of the most common signs of an angry rabbit, as well as tips on how to deal with it. So if you’re curious about what makes your furry friend so mad, read on!

Angry bunny

Most Common Signs of an Angry Rabbit

1. Charging

When a rabbit is angry, it will often charge at the person or animal that it perceives to be a threat. This behavior can be very frightening, but it is important to remember that rabbits are not naturally aggressive animals.

In most cases, an angry rabbit will only charge if it feels trapped or threatened. If you find yourself in the presence of an angry rabbit, the best thing to do is to remain calm and give the rabbit some space. With time, the rabbit will likely calm down and return to its normal behavior.

Also, there are telltale signs that an angry rabbit is about to charge. One of the biggest tells is its ears.

When a rabbit’s ears are pointing up or slightly lowered back, it usually indicates that the bunny is feeling alert and curious. It’s saying “Watch it, buddy”.

When its ears are pointing up, it means that your pet buddy will not hesitate to charge if provoked and is saying “You’re cruising for a bruising dude”.

However, when their ears are lowered way back, it’s best to back off and let your bunny cool down. This means that your pet bunny will not hesitate to strike.

It’s saying that “That’s it! time for your lesson in pain!”. You don’t want to get hurt and you also don’t want to inadvertently hurt your bunny so backing down is the best course of action when this happens.

2. Growls and Thumping

When a rabbit is angry, it produces sounds such as growling and thumping. The growling is usually accompanied by an angry glare, and the thumping is usually accompanied by a look of sheer frustration.

If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of an angry rabbit, you know that it’s not an experience you soon forget. These are often warning signs and should be taken seriously.

Rabbits who are angry can charge and even in some cases, bite. Although rabbit bites rarely get infected, it’s still an unpleasant experience.

I wouldn’t want to wish it on any other person. Believe me, I’ve been one of the unfortunate ones who have experienced what it means to be on a bunny’s bad side.

3. Lungeing

Rabbits that are angry also tend to lunge. However, rabbit lungeing is different from rabbit charging and should not be confused.

It should also be noted that rabbit lungeing is a sign of play sometimes. Therefore, watch out if your rabbit thumps or growls. If so, then it means your rabbit feels threatened and is not looking for a playmate.

Rabbit lunging is different than rabbit charging in that it is less serious and more of a way for the rabbit to release its anger. When a rabbit charges, it is usually because it feels threatened and is looking to attack.

Rabbit lunging is more like a warning – the rabbit is telling you to back off before things get out of hand. It’s basically trying to scare off the other rabbit or object that makes it feel threatened.

So if you see an angry rabbit lunging toward you, it’s best to take the hint and give it some space.

4. Nipping and Biting

Some rabbits charge and some lunge when they are angry. However, some of them might also nip or bite.

Do you know the difference between a rabbit nip and a rabbit bite? If you’re lucky, you’ve never had to find out firsthand. But if you have an angry rabbit, you might be all too familiar with both.

A rabbit nip is basically a warning. It’s like the rabbit equivalent of a verbal warning from your boss. The rabbit is angry and wants you to back off, but they’re not actually trying to hurt you.

A rabbit bite, on the other hand, is a whole different story. This is when the rabbit really sinks their teeth in and this can be quite painful. And yes, rabbit bites can get infected just like any other kind of wound albeit only on rare occasions. so be sure to clean them well and see your doctor if needed.

5. Stance and Tail

When a rabbit is angry, it changes its stance and tail. The rabbit stands up on its hind legs and thumps its front paws on the ground.

It also raises its hackles, or the hair on its back, and its tail puffs up. This makes the rabbit look bigger and more menacing.

The rabbit does this to intimidate its opponent. Rabbits also bare their teeth and make loud noises, called a growl, to show that it is angry. If the rabbit’s opponent does not back down, the rabbit may attack by lunging or charging.

Sometimes, they might even nip or bite. Therefore, it is better to let your rabbit calm down before approaching them when they are feeling a tad bit feisty.

Dealing with an Aggressive Rabbit

Indoor rabbits are lovely creatures that can make great indoor pets. However, sometimes they can be aggressive, and this can be a problem if you have other pets or small children in the home.

If you have an indoor rabbit that is exhibiting aggressive behavior, there are a few things you can do to help deal with the situation.

First, try to identify what is causing the aggression. If there is another pet in the home that the rabbit doesn’t get along with, see if you can keep them separate,

If the rabbit is angry because he or she isn’t getting enough attention, try to spend more time playing with and petting them.

Lastly, if the aggression seems to be unprovoked, you may want to consult with a veterinarian to see what might be causing your rabbit’s aggression.

Remember that rabbits have individual personalities that are a product of their temperaments as well as their previous experiences.

However, with the right knowledge and patience, any feisty rabbit can and will become a loving pet.


Rabbits are prey animals, which means they have a natural instinct to be alert and aware of their surroundings at all times. When something seems amiss or out of the ordinary, their first reaction is often to run or hide.

This can make them seem skittish or angry when they’re really just trying to protect themselves. It takes time and patience to gain a rabbit’s trust, but it’s well worth the effort. By showing them that you mean them no harm, you can form a strong bond with your new furry friend. Have you had any success in gaining your rabbit’s trust? Let us know in the comments!